Northern Eurasia 1918: Kolchak's All-Russian Government
1 December 1918
1 Dec 1918
The Russian Civil War: The White Phase
1816–1914 Late Tsarist Russia
1914–1918 The Great War and the Revolution
1918–1921 The Russian Civil War: The White Phase
1921–1927 The Russian Civil War: The Green Phase
1927–1941 The Soviet Union under Stalin
1941–1943 The Great Patriotic War: Germany Invades
1943–1945 The Great Patriotic War: Germany at Bay
1945–1991 Soviet Superpower
1991–pres Successors of the Soviet Union
Kolchak's All-Russian Government
31 Jul 1918 Civil War and the Execution of the Tsar
1 Sep 1918 Allied Intervention in Russia
1 Nov 1918 End of the Great War
1 Dec 1918 Kolchak's All-Russian Government
3 Feb 1919 Soviet Russian Counter-Offensives
30 Apr 1919 Revolution in Europe
1 Aug 1919 Denikin and Yudenich Attack
1 Nov 1919 Whites in Retreat
3 Jan 1920 End of Kolchak
3 Apr 1920 Nikolayevsk Incident
19 May 1920 Creation of the Far Eastern Republic
12 Aug 1920 Battle of Warsaw
In September, the anti-Soviet forces had attempted to unite under the Provisional All-Russian Government (PA-RG). This attempt failed due to conflict between the left-wing Social Revolutionaries and the right-wing Whites. On November 18, the Whites overthrew the PA-RG. The Minister of War, Admiral Kolchak, became Supreme Ruler. Kolchak's military dictatorship would prove to be stronger and more ruthless than the old PA-RG. However, he still depended a great deal on the Allies and never completely controlled the many Russian factions.