Europe 1923: Beer Hall Putsch

8 November 1923
8 Nov 1923
The Rise of Fascism
-27–68 The Julio-Claudian Dynasty
68–96 The Flavian Dynasty
96–192 The Nerva–Antonine Dynasty
192–235 The Severan Dynasty
235–285 The Crisis of the Third Century
1815–1848 Congress Europe
1848–1850 The Springtime of Peoples
1850–1859 The Crimean War
1859–1862 Italian Unification
1862–1871 German Unification
1871–1914 Imperial Europe
1914–1918 The Great War
1918–1922 Armistice Europe
1922–1939 The Rise of Fascism
1939–1942 World War II: Blitzkrieg
1942–1945 World War II: Fall of the Third Reich
1945–1990 The Cold War
1990–2010 Post-Cold War Europe
2010–pres The Crisis of Europe
Beer Hall Putsch
28 Oct 1922 Mussolini's March on Rome
8 Nov 1923 Beer Hall Putsch
1 Dec 1925 Locarno Conference
30 Jan 1933 Hitler Gains Power
7 Mar 1936 Remilitarization of the Rhineland
20 Jul 1936 Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War
13 Mar 1938 Anschluss
2 Nov 1938 Appeasement at Munich
15 Mar 1939 End of Czechoslovakia
23 Aug 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
By 1923, hyperinflation was ruining the German economy and helping destroy its ability to pay war reparations. In an attempt to force payments, France and Belgium occupied the German industrial area of the Ruhr. In the turbulent times that followed, a Mussolini-inspired German war veteran by the name of Adolf Hitler led his Nazi party in a failed attempt to seize power in Munich.