Europe 1860: Annexation of the Two Sicilies

Having won over the island of Sicily, Garibaldi embarked for the mainland. Facing little resistance he entered the capital of Naples a few weeks later. With the main Sardinian army now marching through the northern Papal States to join him, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was finished.

Main Events

16 Aug 1860–5 Jul 1861 French occupation of Beirut in support of the Christian population

French occupation of Beirut in support of the Christian populationin wikipedia

19 Aug 1860 Garibaldi’s forces land in Calabria

Garibaldi’s forces land in Calabriain wikipedia

7 Sep 1860 Garibaldi arrives in Naples

Garibaldi arrives in Naplesin wikipedia

11 Sep 1860 Kingdom of Sardinia invades the Papal States

Kingdom of Sardinia invades the Papal Statesin wikipedia

21–22 Oct 1860 Plebiscites in Naples and Sicily support union with Sardinia

Plebiscites in Naples and Sicily support union with Sardiniain wikipedia