Europe 1859: Solferino and its Aftermath

After the Austrian defeat at Magenta, the people of Parma, Modena and the northern Papal States rose up in support of Sardinia. However, Austria wasn't finished and at Solferino she inflicted enough damage on the French to help persuade Napoleon III to halt the war. Disgusted, the Sardinian Prime Minister resigned.

Main Events

9 Jun 1859 Duchess exiled from Parma after uprising in favour of Kingdom of Sardinia

Duchess exiled from Parma after uprising in favour of Kingdom of Sardiniain wikipedia

24 Jun 1859 Battle of Solferino

France and Sardinia defeat Austria at Solferinoin wikipedia

11 Jul 1859 Preliminary peace of Villafranca ends fighting in Second Italian War of Independence

Preliminary peace of Villafranca ends fighting in Second Italian War of Independencein wikipedia

25 Aug 1859 Battle of Ghunib

Imam Shamil of Caucasian Imamate surrenders to Russia at Battle of Ghunibin wikipedia