Europe 1859: Battle of Magenta

In April 1859 Sardinia deliberately provoked an Austrian invasion, giving the French under Napoleon III an excuse to rush to her aid. The French armies used railways to swiftly cross Italy, with the combined Franco-Sardinian forces smashing the Austrians at Magenta a month later.

Main Events

28 Apr 1859 Provisional government of Tuscany offers dictatorship over Tuscany to King of Sardinia

Provisional government of Tuscany offers dictatorship over Tuscany to King of Sardiniain wikipedia

29 Apr 1859 Second Italian War of Independence

Following the Treaty of Alliance with France, Sardinian troops began massing on the Austrian border, provoking Austria to issue an ultimatum demanding that Sardinia demobilize its army. When Sardinia refused to comply, Austria wikipedia

3 May 1859 France declares war on Austria

Four days after the Austrian invasion of Sardinia, France complied with the Treaty of Alliance by declaring war on wikipedia

4 Jun 1859 France and Sardinia defeat Austria at Magenta

France and Sardinia defeat Austria at Magentain wikipedia