Europe 1854: Siege of Sevastopol

The Allies decided to destroy Russian power in the Black Sea by capturing the key naval base of Sevastopol, on the Crimean peninsula. While they were en route, Austria succeeded in pressuring Russia to withdraw from Moldavia and Wallachia. This could have ended the war, but the Allies sailed on to besiege Sevastopol and punish the Russians nonetheless.

Main Events

20 Apr 1854 Austra & Prussia declare neutrality

The Austrian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia declared their neutrality in the Crimean wikipedia

26 May 1854 Allies occupy Piraeus

The French Empire and Great Britain occupied Piraeus to enforce Greek neutrality in Crimean wikipedia

13–16 Aug 1854 Battle of Bomarsund

After entering the Baltic Sea, naval forces from the United Kingdom and the French Empire, supported by troops and artillery who had landed on the island, opened fire on the Russian fortress of Bomarsund on Sund (one of the Aland Islands). Following several days of facing bombardment by land and sea, the 2,000 remaining Russian defenders agreed to surrender. The Allies then demolished the fortress, remaining in occupation of the island until wikipedia

22 Aug 1854 Austria occupies Moldavia & Wallachia

The Austrian Empire occupied the Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia in agreement with Ottoman Empire and in wake of Russian wikipedia

14 Sep 1854 Landing at Calamita Bay

The Anglo-French expeditionary force landed at Calamita Bay, southeast of Eupatoria and 56km north of Sevastopol, in Crimea, Russian Empire. Although disorganised and weakened by cholera and dysentery, lack of Russian opposition to these landings allowed the Allies to form a beachhead of 6 km inland. On 19 September the two armies headed south, defeating the Russians at Alma the following wikipedia

17 Oct 1854 Siege of Sevastopol

French, British, and Ottoman forces began a siege of the important naval base of Sevastopol, Russian wikipedia