Europe 1849: Alliance of the Three Kings

Prussia responded swiftly to the uprisings in Germany, crushing rebellions in Saxony and the Prussian Rhineland. With its supporters cowed and no army to defend them, the National Assembly crumbled. Prussia now set about restoring order in Germany on its own terms, beginning by forming an alliance with its fellow kingdoms of Saxony and Hanover.

Main Events

10–30 May 1849 Frankfurt parliament collapses

The German National Assembly in Frankfurt suffered mass resignations as it debated whether to condemn Prussian or revolutionary violence. Prussia, Saxony and Hanover recalled their delegates days later; by the end of May only 104 members remained. in wikipedia

12–14 May 1849 Baden Mutiny

A military revolt in Karlsruhe, capital of the Grand Duchy of Baden, caused Grand Duke Leopold to flee to France. Baden then became a republic. in wikipedia

14 May 1849 Spain defeats Carlists

The Last Carlists crossed the Spanish-French border, ending the Second Carlist War in the Kingdom of Spain. in wikipedia

15 May 1849 Naples takes Palermo

Neapolitan forces entered Palermo, Sicily, after Sicilian leadership agreed to surrender, ending the independent Kingdom of Sicily. in wikipedia

21 May 1849 Austria asks for Russian help in Hungary

Emperor Franz Joseph of Austrian Empire appealed to Tsar Nicholas of Russian Empire for support against Hungarian rebellion, having traveled to Warsaw to meet the Tsar in person. in wikipedia

26 May 1849 Alliance of Three Kings formed

The Kingdoms of Prussia, Saxony and Hanover concluded the Alliance of the Three Kings. in wikipedia