Europe 1849: May Uprisings

In Germany, the National Assembly in Frankfurt had produced a constitution for a new German Empire with King Frederick William IV of Prussia as its Emperor. However Frederick William rejected the role while only the smaller German states proved willing to adopt the constitution, provoking a new wave of revolutions in support of the National Assembly.

Main Events

23 Apr–21 May 1849 Battle of Buda

Forces of the Austrian Empire abandoned Buda and Pest, but left a garrison in Buda Castle; Hungarian troops moved into Buda hours later but spent the next month capturing the castle. in wikipedia

25 Apr 1849 French land near Rome

About ten thousand French Republic troops under General Oudinot landed at Civitavecchia, north-west of Rome, in an invasion of Roman Republic. in wikipedia

26 Apr–25 May 1849 Austria overruns Tuscany

Fifteen thousand troops of Austrian Empire invaded the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, capturing the capital Florence a month later. in wikipedia

2 May 1849 Palatine Uprising

After King Maximilian II of Bavaria rejected the Frankfurt Constitution, a ‘provisional defense committee’ was declared in Kaiserslautern in Bavarian Rhineland, leading to a region-wide revolt. in wikipedia

3–9 May 1849 May Uprising in Dresden

A popular uprising in Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony broke out when King Frederick Augustus II refused to accept the Frankfurt Constitution, forcing the government to flee. The revolutionaries were defeated with the support of troops from the Kingdom of Prussia. in wikipedia

4 May 1849 Frankfurt parliament demands all German states accept constitution

The German National Assembly in Frankfurt demanded that all German states accept Constitution of the German Empire (Frankfurt Constitution), threatening to elect a ruler other than King Frederick William IV of Prussia should he continue to reject role of Emperor. in wikipedia

8–10 May 1849 Unrest in Prussian Rhineland

Militia around Elberfeld, Dusseldorf and Solingen, Prussian Rhineland, mutinied in support of the Frankfurt Constitution. They were joined by armed peasants but were swiftly suppressed by troops of the Kingdom of Prussia. in wikipedia