Australasia 1971: Independence for the Pacific Islands

Decolonization of the Pacific
1788–1859 The Australasian Colonies
1859–1901 Colonial Consolidation
1901–1941 Southern Dominions
1941–1945 The War in the Pacific
1945–pres Decolonization of the Pacific
Independence for the Pacific Islands
7 Jan 1946 Japanese Surrender
25 Nov 1947 Indonesian War of Independence
25 Apr 1950 United States of Indonesia
1 Sep 1951 ANZUS
16 Nov 1962 West New Guinea dispute
2 Jul 1971 Independence for the Pacific Islands
13 Jan 1976 Indonesian invasion of East Timor
10 Jul 1985 Breaking with Britain
17 May 1990 Bougainville Conflict
26 Jul 2003 Policing the Southwest Pacific
15 Jan 2020 Australasia Today
The 1960s saw the beginning of the withdrawal of the colonial powers from the Pacific Islands. In 1962, New Zealand granted independence to Western Samoa, with Australia and Britain pulling out of their Pacific colonies from the late 1960s on. By 1980, only the French still retained a significant overseas empire in the region.