Asia Pacific 1917: Russian Revolution

15 December 1917
15 Dec 1917
Warlords and Revolutionaries
1894–1911 The Rise of Japan
1911–1927 Warlords and Revolutionaries
1927–1937 China's Nanjing Decade
1937–1941 Second Sino-Japanese War
1941–1943 WWII: The Greater East Asia War
1943–1945 WWII: Victory Over Japan
1945–1950 End of the Old Order
1950–1989 The Cold War in Asia
1989–pres Asian Economic Powers
Russian Revolution
6 Dec 1911 Chinese Revolution
10 Mar 1912 Yuan Shikai and the Republic of China
28 Jul 1913 Second Chinese Revolution
10 Oct 1914 Conquest of the German Pacific
18 Jan 1915 Japan's Twenty-One Demands
6 Jun 1916 China's Warlord Era Begins
15 Dec 1917 Russian Revolution
31 Aug 1918 Siberian Intervention
4 May 1919 May Fourth Movement
6 Apr 1920 Creation of the Far Eastern Republic
23 Jul 1920 Zhili–Anhui War
25 Jun 1921 Russia in Mongolia
6 Feb 1922 Washington Naval Conference
30 Dec 1922 Japanese Withdrawal
23 Oct 1924 Beijing Coup
30 May 1925 Shanghai Incident
24 Apr 1926 Anti-Fengtian War
Yuan Shikai's successor, Duan Qirui, failed to retake the south or rein in the growing power of rival factions in the north. Opposition to Duan's desire to join World War I caused such chaos that royalists were able to briefly seize Beijing. Entry into the War gave him Japanese support, but only a few months later the Russian Revolution broke out, bringing even more instability to the East.