the Arctic 1949: North Atlantic Treaty
The Arctic Transformed
1818–1875 Partitioning the North Pacific
1875–1939 Claiming the Far North
1939–1945 World War II in the Arctic
1945–pres The Arctic Transformed
North Atlantic Treaty
4 Apr 1949 North Atlantic Treaty
17 Aug 1977 Nuclear Standoff
12 Mar 2015 Climate Change
15 Jan 2020 The Arctic Today
World War II left the United States and the Soviet Union as the dominant powers in Europe. Relations between the two began to deteriorate almost immediately, especially after US concerns over the Soviet installment of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe prompted President Truman to embark on a policy of "containment" by aiding the non-Communist regimes which surrounded the Soviet bloc. As this new "Cold War" heated up, the US and its European allies signed the North Atlantic Treaty, formally creating the NATO alliance to counter any potential Soviet attack.